A model portfolio is a collection of curated portfolios that produce superior risk-adjusted returns over time based on an investor's risk tolerance and investment horizon.
Why Invest in a Smartcase Model Portfolio?
Diversified portfolio.
Customer consent was taken.
No locking or exit load.
Curated after in-depth research.
Who should invest in Smartcase?
Smartcase is an option for investors who find it difficult to invest in high-ticket products such as Portfolio Management Services (PMS) and Alternative Investment Funds (AIF).
How to start investing in Smart Case with us?
Existing Demat account holder - Contact your RM or the nearest branch and e-sign the agreement.
New client - Open a Demat account with MSFL and contact your RM for an e-signing agreement.
Large Cap
Objective: Long-term capital appreciation by investing in Large Cap companies that are the top three players in their respective industries.
3 years horizon
₹ 3 Lakh min investments
₹ 50,000 Top Up
Multi Cap
Objective: To participate in the India growth story by investing in the Indian equity markets by building a diversified portfolio across various sectors & caps.
5 years horizon
₹ 3 Lakh min investments
₹ 50,000 Top Up
Small Cap
Objective: Long-term capital growth by investing in smaller but growing companies in India.
7 years horizon
₹ 3 Lakh min investments
₹ 50,000 Top Up
Attention Investors :